Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Dear loved ones,

I was told recently to write 500 words every day. here goes.
i think quite a few of my readers (ha!) are living in countries that are slightly second world- you know, like england and france and those sorts of places- and they should be forewarned about incoming technology. well, i've recently returned from the year 0 and noticed a few advances in this here land of golden opportunity. first and foremost are the new paper towel machines in johns. you no longer have to pull or pump or turn or crank. these days you just wave to the machine and you are reciprocated with a firm dry piece of paper. it's not too exciting, but worth knowing about. and in case you were wondering, there doesn't seem to be any mechanism to stop you from waving at them all day, so enjoy. they should hit western europe in 5 or 6 years. as soon as you all start to get over the ipod craze.
how many words is that? probably not 500.

i can't think of anything else. i tried to write a limerick. this is a far as i got:

There once was a girl with big lips
Like two large converging big ships

i think it is a good start. feel free to make any suggestions.

in case you were wondering, i haven't got any responses yet to my classified ad (link below). i should though. i have 23 mosquito bites.

take care,

drake zeeellltzer


At August 03, 2005, Blogger Emira Shafiqa said...

There once was a girl with big lips
Like two large converging big ships
They'd come at you at night
and give you one fuck of a fright
As they were matched only by the size of her hips

At September 04, 2005, Blogger adam said...

she lost all the games
of naming bad names
but won all the ones spitting pips

At November 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

www.getipodsforfree.com has this cool thing where if you just sign up and do an offer, you can get a free ipod


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